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Wednesday, January 6, 2016


1.) Tar Sand, and then Oil Shale. Tar Sand takes only 1 and you get back double what you put in. So you have extra energy accumulating faster than its being used, which can be used to extract the oil shale. Shale what you put in is what you get back. so if there isn't anything to put in you get noting back.

2.) Tar Sand and Oil Shale both require being drilled up. Uses hot water to get through to the oil being extract, both give off natural gas.

3.) Since Tar Sand gives you "bitumen" which is a very heavy and viscous oil, it needs to be broken up with natural gas and sometimes hydrogen.

4.) 85% of all energy we use comes from us "off-shore drilling" people wouldn't be able to drive or heat homes. To completely stop using this idea while the development of a cleaner and safer way to live, may take years and put the economy under a lot of stress.

5.)  A daily use of EROI could be just  getting up every morning. In order to get up it kind of start the day before. Eating to get up and brush teeth all things necessary for the rest of the day. The day require 15. You have 5 left over from the day before. And you get up and eat breakfast that's instantly 15. As you snack thru the day it adds on 2. And especially an athlete. they would need at least 5 to start the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting take. Tar Sands and Oil Shale both require "heating" to extract them, and that is why they both have pretty low EROI.
