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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Furnace Brook Lab Report

Introduction: Testing the PH of water at Furnace Brook Creek. What’s a healthy PH for the micro-invertebrates. Dissolved oxygen and nitrogen compound where to be determined. Sampling this water told us the population of each species present in the water with these conditions.
Research Question:  which location would have a healthier environment; rocky and fast speed waters or non-rocky and low water speed?
Hypothesis: In fast moving waters there isn’t enough time for any species alive to absorb or catch the nutrients or daily necessities also the fact there is rocks or rough patches makes it even harder to catch them. Verses slow moving waters and non-rocky.
Variable Identification:  
Controlled variable
Method of controlled variable
Location 1
Location 2
Shady area
Shady area
Below drain
Above drain
Rocky area
Non-rocky area
Slow velocity
Fast velocity

Experimental Setup:  This experiment was done in shady areas near Corcoran High School. Two different vials were used to measure the D.O. and PH. The groups used Dissolve Oxygen tablets and potential hydrogen tablets also. The students within these groups should have found out or known that a healthy PH of 7 is reasonable to sustain life.
1. Get into groups
2. Using a LaMotte kit filled with the following
Ph tablets
DO tablets
Secchi disc
Chart with turbidity, ph and do readings
2 vials
Find a location and keep track of the coordinates
A huge net
 Water boots


Total biomass in sample (g)

Stream A
Stream B
stone fly
midge larve

The blue represents the second data collection. And the red represents the first time of data collection.
Discussion:  TURBIDITY OF 0.
Ph OF 7
Temperature OF 10 Degrees
Evaluation: Some things that could have affected the experiment would have been location (how high or low down the stream/creek) and time of day that the data was taken. Or maybe even the season. Speed of the water. What the environment around the water is already. What the acidity in the water already is. What human disturbances affected the water before testing. Or if we didn’t kick around the organisms in the water.
ReferencesMacroinvertebrates - Environment." Environment. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.


  1. I am assessing this lab write up.

  2. Planning:
    Aspect 1- Not at all. I understand how you tried to incorporate the golf ball part of the lab in the research question, however I think you might have missed the purpose of the lab and what we were actually investigating. The goal was to find out the water quality of the stream by the chemical compounds, along with the presence or absence of macro-invertebrate pollution intolerance's. The hypothesis is also a bit off and hard to understand the reasoning.
    Aspect 2- Not at all. The controls should explain what you controlled and how you controlled it. What was mentioned in the table for the controlled variables wasn't clear.
    Aspect 3- Complete. The method for collection of data was expressed, it could have more details added.

    Data collection and processing:
    Aspect 1- Partial. Only the macro-invertebrate data was under data. Missing the golf ball data.
    Aspect 2- Partial. There is missing data.
    Aspect 3- Partial. The only graph shown is the macro-invertebrate graph.

    Discussion, Evaluation, and Conclusion:
    Aspect 1- Not at all. The only thing mentioned was the results for one of the streams. There was not clear reasoning or understanding of the results.
    Aspect 2- Partial. you identified things that could skew the results. You did not include improvements and it is hard to understand.
    Aspect 3- Not at all. There is no conclusion listed.

    Comments: You are missing a lot of information needed to make this lab complete. I think you didn't fully understand what the purpose of the lab was. The introduction is a bit confusing and you should increase your references.

    1. what are you talking about with a golf ball?? there wasn't anything that involved or stated something with the golf ball in it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the gharial
    Aspect 1 - Complete, clear research question and hypothesis
    Aspect 2 - Not at all, the controlled variables chart has the water conditions, not controlled variables
    Aspect 3 - Partial, incomplete procedure

    Data Collection and Processing:
    Aspect 1 - Partial, not all data is present
    Aspect 2 - Not at all, no processed data
    Aspect 3 - Not at all, no graph or processed data

    Discussion, Evaluation, and Conclusion:
    Aspect 1 - Not at all, no discussion present
    Aspect 2 - Partial, states weaknesses, but not how to fix them
    Aspect 3 - Not at all, no conclusion present

    Comments - Missing a lot of aspects needed to get a good grade. To go deeper in depth on the information you have present might help as well. The controlled variable chart is messed up, as I stated in the assessment. Also an arrow, circle, or something like that on the picture of the map would be good.
